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  • This forum is for advice about initial treatment given to your injured/sick bird until a qualified avian veterinarian is available.

My female budgies was going to die but I saved her now she can't fly.

Pheonix S

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Deborah Lynn Armstrong Schutz
My 5 year old female parakeet , first time attempting to lay eggs ended up eggbound . I never seen or had a eggbound female so not sure what to do I called a vet and I was told they couldn't see her so I tookatters into my own hands and delivered the egg myself. She's a very tiny bird and was afraid it would happen and as predicted it came to be. Vet told me there was no meds they could call in for her for pain or infection after watching her suffer for 3 days I had done it for her. the next 2 weeks were shaky and I kept her on a heating pad for she couldn't regulate her own body temp so Iadr her a hospital cage where she still is cause she can't fly at all. I've bathed her and and removed all the oil from her feathers and wings and she tried to fly and Everytime she faceplants on the floor. She's very healthy it seems she's back to her old self as far as her tempermnt goes but after getting through the worst part she wants to be with her flock but they won't accept her and my one male cockatiel screeches trying to hurt her anytime I take her out of her cage. It's more of a safety measure now more then anything so she wants to be social but that bigger bird won't have it. Poor girl. Why does anyone think her wings won't work. Do you think something happened during the emergency extraction, no vet will see her without full payment first and I've no money.vwhat should I do? I have 5 budgies and 1 male cockatiel and usually do anything that needs doing for them or any of my pets myself. Why isn't there more info out there for bird lovers and owners to be able to help when something like this happens. Also my only other female has laid and hatched 6 eggs now with babies very healthy and have grown alarmingly fast. Can anyone give me adice


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
Flight muscles and egg bearing muscles are linked together. So it's possible that there is trauma in those muscles preventing flight. I would put her in a smaller cage for now and let her recuperate so she doesn't hurt herself.


Biking along the boulevard
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Ontario, Canada
I would pull any future eggs & not let them develop or hatch, because you really need a good vet if you want to breed.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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If the egg situation happened two weeks ago, I would be severely worried now that she hasn't regained flight. Does she eat well? (not all-seed diet).

If you aren't going to go to the vet, all you can do is what Mizzely said above, small cage, let her rest. Feed her some pellets or a supplement, something with multivitamins including D3 and Calcium.

I have a lovebird hen, who gets depleted of her nutrients when she lays (even just one or two eggs), she has been raced to the vets twice with it, and hospitalised once. The tell is her flight goes. So when I saw that a second time that she could not fly, I looked around, spotted one single egg and raced her to the hospital where she spend the night in a special tank with controlled temperature and humidity and was injected with multivitamins.

I urge you to borrow the funds from friends, family, or anyone who could help you. You can always pay them back another day, but our birds health cannot be brought back.